Saturday, June 22, 2013

In the beginning...

I was brought into existence just a couple decades ago and since then, I've been up on mountain highs and valley lows. I don't know much about the world of blogging, but I do know what my heart beats for and where my passions lead me. 

This life I lead is led by my Creator. I believe in a God who knows my heart, accepts my weaknesses, and who somehow sees fit to give me extraordinary purpose here on earth. 

Me and my man (the type of relationship people typically classify as "boyfriend"...?) share a passion for Native Americans. They are the embodiment of perseverance, free-spiritedness, and courage. A culture within our free country, so often over-looked is just crying out for love and provision. Their hurts are formed from neglect. We all are in need of something greater than ourselves. Our very being cries out for True Love and affection. And I feel led to start with the lost and lonely. 

My artwork signifies what is meaningful to me. Some pieces have more depth than others, but there always seems to be a reason why something is brought into existence.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Love this introduction to that beautiful soul of yours!! I can't wait for you to continue to share more of who you are with the world with this bloggity blog and your beautiful artwork!! Love you friend!
