As in, Justin Bieber's Believe Tour 2013.
Didn't see that one coming did ya?
J U S T I N B I E B E R |

I don't think I have ever been this crazy excited for a concert.
And by this I'm referring to the shedding of tears before leaving on the three hour trip to the concert.
Tears of everything good and wonderful that this world has to offer of course.
While he is the embodiment of pop music today, which I guess is a pretty big deal, this genre of music is not my first choice.
I honestly don't know the reasoning behind my adoration for him but it's evidently there and I'm not ashamed of it!
Erika was gifted two tickets to this show and like the doll that she is, invited me!
Too bad they were in completely different sections of the United Center!
We approached the ticket booth with our hopeless situation to find out there's nothing they can do about it.
There were these young girls ( I guess I didn't have to specify that the girl was young since it's a Justin Bieber concert...and Erika and myself are probably too old to attend for pure enjoyment) who just happened to be selling tickets for $50 a piece. Which is $10 less than each of our tickets were priced originally.
These tickets were not only cheaper but the seats were next to each other.
As they should be if bought as a pair!
We made the decision to buy the tickets, which was probably the best option at the time, but now we had yet another issue on our hands;
we had to sell our original tickets in hopes to be reimbursed.
Erika volunteered me to be the "scalper" as she called it.
So yes, I pranced around the exterior of the United Center advertising tickets to receive dozens of stares and no interest after they saw where the seats were located.
We got a couple of people saying they'd find us if they were interested but we just kept walking with more doubt than faith that they'd return.
But they surprised us.
They ended up buying the tickets for the original price of $60 each which made us an extra $10!
We get inside, after having scanned our single-entry tickets and thought we'd try the will-call table for any miracle opportunities. With all the hope in me I told the lady I want the "best available". She offered us two floor seats 11 rows away from the stage for $95! In comparison to what fans originally paid for the same seats...THAT was a bargain.
We were so thankful that we could afford this amazing opportunity and also that we got to experience it together. Because we both know that being a belieber is no joke. |
He asked us to stop screaming because he couldn't hear himself play! Hilarious moment. |
Thankful that the security guard didn't kick me off the chair until after he passed over me.
Justin puts on quite the show but he wasn't the only our nameless friends:

These hooligans definitely had a significant impact on our experience. Dancing with these fellas was hilarious! Whether it was on the chairs or in the isle we danced until security stopped us. And then danced some more. I mean, it's Justin Bieber guys! What do they expect us to do? Merely watch the show? That's absurd.

Dear Justin, Thanks for the show!